Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Star Spangled Fireworks

Yesterday, I celebrated everything that makes America America. From peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, hamburgers and corn-on-the-cob to saying 'jump rope' instead of 'skipping', having really loud conversations in ear-shot of everyone else and sporting plenty of red, white and blue.

Yes - yesterday we celebrated 4th of July. In every other country in the world, 4th of July is the day that follows 3rd of July and precedes the 5th of July. In America, it is Indepedence Day. The day a few men with top hats and beards signed the Declaration of Independence and heard the sweet ding-dong of the Liberty Bell.

At Appel Farm, we celebrated Independence Day with eating. Breakfast arrived in the shape of glazed doughnuts and came served with a side of Star Spangled Banner, where all the international counselors watched in horror as the campers SAT while singing their national anthem. Only in America...

As it was a Sunday, the day was spent attending optional workshops (of which I ran a 'jump rope' class) before we watched the annual Appel Farm Independence Day Parade - a convoy of three cars, a tractor and a whole lot of greedy children chasing after tossed candy. We then guzzled a dinner of hamburgers, corn-on-the-cob and watermelon (?) and headed off to watch the 4th of July fireworks in Trenton. And to make it all the more American, we travelled there in style, aboard six large yellow school buses.

Although it feels like I've spent a good quarter of my life watching fireworks displays, I've got to hand it to America - they know how to put on a good show. I took my fair share of photos and felt warm and gooey inside as I watched the coloured balls of fire explode over the lake.

We arrived back home at midnight, dragging our 12 suitably tired campers back to their beds, their bellies full of American fat and their eyes full of the Star Spangled Banner.

Ciao for now. xo

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