Thursday, July 8, 2010

Aussie Aussie Aussie

On Sunday, the American's got to celebrate their country. On Monday, it was the foreigner's turn.

Evening Activities at Appel Farm was International Day - an evening reserved for flaunting (and fabricating) all that is fantastic about one's own country. There is a pretty strong international contingent at Appel Farm with counselors from Australia (of course), Wales, England, Ireland, New Zealand and South Africa.

I am one of three very proud Aussies who donned our Australia flag along with plenty of green and gold to represent Down Under. The idea was that each group representing a country was spread out around camp to represent 'the world' and bunks of campers had to visit each country with their 'passport'. When they 'landed' via bubble boat or bubble plane, we taught them about our country, stamped their passport and sent them on to the next country.

I am constantly surprised by how little American's know about our country. They honestly believe we ride kangaroos to school and they look in horror when we say that the majority of the time, the kangaroos end up splattered across the dented front of your bonnet. They have no idea what our flag looks like and that we are still a part of the Queen's Commonwealth.

But what really made the evening was watching in joy as they tasted vegemite. Their greedy eyes saw what looked like chocolatey-Nutella smeared across slices of bread but when that strong, salty Vegemite goodness hit their taste buds, they realised it doesn't taste like Nutella at all. This was all hilarious, until they started spitting perfectly good vegemite sandwiches into the garden.

And of course, we taught them the national anthem.

"Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi!"

Ciao for now. xo

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I laughed at the 'chocately-Nutella' part... I could just imagine it!


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