But I couldn't come to Memphis and pay hommage to the King, right?
So I donned my blue seude shoes and made the epic trip out to Graceland to say G'day to Elvis Presley.
And when I say epic, I mean epic. The public transport in Memphis leaves much to be desired. Trying to get from my hostel (which is on the outer suburbs in the middle of nowhere) to Downtown via bus is a touch-and-go experience. One morning, I made it all the way with my connecting buses arriving on time - a small achievement for a traveller. Today, I ended up walking about 4 miles to get back to my hostel from the city (simply to save the 10 bucks I'd have to shell for a cab). Thankfully, a free bus runs between Graceland, Sun Studio and the Rock n Soul Museum so once you make it to Down Town, it's fairly easy to get between all three.
As is the mansion itself. Okay, I'll admit. Me and my tourist-allergy were dubious of both the mansion and the $30 I had to pay to get in it. But that being said, the experience itself was kinda, sorta, just-a-little, okay, pretty damn worthwhile.
I was in the house of The King! The man who changed music forever, the man who has sold more records than any other musician in history. In his very house where he walked around in his pyjamas making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. That's pretty cool, right?
And then, out by the pool, is Elvis's grave which is now more of a shrine than a grave site. He rests next to his parents and grandmother and the whole 'meditation garden' (as it's been coined) is covered in dedications - posters, floral gardens, candles - that his fans have brought from all over the world. More come every day and it's the rule of the mansion to accept every dedication and keep it by his grave until it wears or withers.
A story like that melts even an anti-tourist's heart.
Ciao for now. xo
ooo i hope you turned off your flash when taking pictures in his house!! :P very interesting place Memphis. Me and my friend travelled from Memphis to Nashy on greyhound.. interesting experience when the guy sitting on the other side of the aisle starts chewing tabacco (it stinks!!!) and spitting bits into a plastic bottle.. sooo gross. miss ya xo