Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Atlantic City, Baby!

What do Sex In The City, Gilmore Girls and Beaches have in common?

At one point or another, they've all featured Atlantic City as a destination.

And yesterday, it became a feature destination for six very satisfied camp counselors.

I've heard Atlantic City described as Las Vegas' cheap and dirty second-cousin and like most cities, there are areas which put the ass in classless (our motel being in one of them). But in the bright light of day (and the casino lights) Atlantic City can certainly hold its own. The boardwalk boasts all the goodies we are denied in Elmer, New Jersey - beach, bars and boys - so for six female counselors who were in great need of a girls' weekend away, we could not have asked for a better destination.

Once we survived the Martinique Motel from Hell, Sunday was spent doing...well, nothing... and it was fantastic. We ate, we shopped and we spent two hours in Claires having ears pierced (don't worry Mum, I haven't got any additional holes anywhere on my body... yet). Not to mention visiting possibly the BEST shoe store ever known to women (and yes Meudell, that includes the Brazillian shore store on Bourke St). I have never seen so many shoes in one place and. all. on. sale. For those of us not backpacking and who don't have to consider space and weight with every purchase made, the girls went a little crazy. Let's just say there were quite a few pairs of shoes which returned to Appel Farm that evening.
While I didn't win it big on the slot machines or meet Donald Trump or see Smash Mouth and Counting Crows who were both performing that evening, I did get to see a lot of old ladies playing the pokies in sequined hats, and that was good enough for me.

Oh, and spending 36 hours with six of the best blondes (and one brunette) in the world.

Ciao for now. xo

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